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Training kick-off event

Last month, the first AERO-TRAIN training event took place in Biograd na Moru, Croatia.

The event was scheduled in connection with the AIRPHARO workshop, which focuses on the use of aerial robots for physical interaction with people and the environment. With this occasion, the ESRs had the opportunity to participate in their first workshop of their PhD projects.

There were 33 participants in the kick-off event, half of which participated physically. There were several presentations aimed at the ESRs, where the project goals, work packages, training structure were introduced, as well as what it means to be an Early Stage Researcher (ESR) in this type of project. The ESRs then had the chance of talking with individual partners and start a discussion on common points of interest.

Kick-off event participants

In the afternoon, several meetings took place, such as a PhD coordination meeting held by the supervisors, a status update meeting held by the Supervisory Board and, after a team building exercise, a planning meeting held by the ESRs.

ESRs after the team-building exercise

The event ended with a social gathering, where the people physically present went out for dinner at a local restaurant.

Social gathering

Now, the AERO-TRAIN team is already preparing for the next training event that will take place in early 2022.


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This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No 953454.

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